From a Ripple to a Wave
The Living Through Foundation was born from the success of the #HahstagLunchbag program.
Established as a 5013C in September of 2013.
We realized that the simple act of giving back can impact the world.
Small actions x lots of people = big change
Meaningful experiences
Grew out of an apartment in Los Angeles to cities all around the world. Namedrop some corporate partners. Learned that there are a lot of roadblocks and ways to give back.
Everyone can give back.
We understand the importance of “practice”
Helping others use their platforms to give back in a meaningful way.
On Christmas Day 2012, Ajay Relan, JD McElroy, William ‘J.DUBB’ Smith, and a few friends were feeling an extra dose of the holiday spirit and wanted to give back to their local communities. When they tried to lend a hand, they were turned away from shelters, food banks, and soup kitchens that had already hit their volunteer capacity. Committed to giving back while they were still inspired, the group called up some close friends and made their way to their local grocery store to pick up a few things for a classic brown paper bag lunch: sandwich, snack, and a drink, complete with a love note of acknowledgment and encouragement.
They posted about it on social media (because, 2012) and in a play on words, coined the event #HashtagLunchbag. Almost immediately, friends and family reached out to see how they could participate in the next event, or start their own.
Over the next six months, #HashtagLunchbag grew to become a nationwide initiative, adopted in cities across the country. By 2015, the organization had expanded globally and began working with corporations to apply this fun and hands-on approach of giving to conferences, team builders, and community events. As of 2020, #HashtagLunchbag has activated in over 150 cities around the world and fed nearly a million neighbors in need.
As #HashtagLunchbag grew, the team was confronted with the logistical challenges around global community organizing and event production. They established Living Through Giving as a means to support the movement and provide infrastructure to other social impact initiatives just getting off the ground.
Living Through Giving began its fiscal sponsorship program in 2019, partnering with individuals who needed help turning their ideas for spreading love into reality. Living Through Giving currently sponsors four kins in kindness across food insecurity, sustainability, education, and voter awareness: read more about them here.
Interested in helping us change the world? Here are three ways to get involved:
Contact us to discuss ways we can work together
Nothing is too small to add to the sum.